Steps to Launch


Chat with us on a phone call

Decide if you would like to learn more about Vanity Fur and what it takes to launch – Complete our Confidential Questionnaire to receive our Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)

Visit us to Discover more about ownership - Meet the Team at Vanity Fur

Final review with our leadership team - qualified candidates will become approved to join Vanity Fur

Start the onboarding process


Chat with us on a phone call

Decide if you would like to learn more about Vanity Fur and what it takes to launch – Complete our Confidential Questionnaire to receive our Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)

Visit us to Discover more about ownership - Meet the Team at Vanity Fur

Final review with our leadership team - qualified candidates will become approved to join Vanity Fur

Start the onboarding process

Steps to Launch Your Own Vanity Fur Business

1. Inquire

2. Chat with us

4. Visit us for Discovery Day

3. Learn more - receive our FDD

5. Become approved for ownership

6. Onboarding and training

8. Grow several mobiles in your territory

7. Launch your 1st Vanity Fur Pet Salon!


More InFURmation Form


Vanity Fur Mobile Pet Salons 12495 Limonite Ave #1023 Eastvale CA 91752




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